Have you guys checked out West Elm Market yet? I was going through my phone a few weeks ago deleting all of the emails I get from various retailers every. single. day. and an email from West Elm caught my eye. They're launching a new concept store that expands their traditional store offering to include every day household items, including kitchen and dining, personal care, and even appliances, for cryin' out loud. The products are also now available online, so naturally, I had to go through and build a list of my favorites from the new collection.

I'm weirdly into artfully designed food packaging right now, and they have a nice array of different syrups, vinegars and spreads... which seems like a natural extension of parent company Williams Sonoma. And I dare you not to love a vintage-style chartreuse refrigerator. Some pieces are bold, some are simple, some rustic, but they all share that signature West Elm style, and I love it.