I suppose it's time to play a little bit of catch up on our life lately, and what better way to do that than a quick collection of instagram photos from the last few months. Since we moved back to Texas, life has been a whirlwind. I can't remember the last time we sat at home with nothing to do, and if we were, I'd probably be thinking "something's not right about this".

1:: First things first... Christmas.
2:: See above.
3:: One of the best things about living closer to family is spending time with our nieces and nephews. We love these little pumpkins.
4:: We've gotten to do some fun Christmasy things like seeing the nutcracker and the parade in Boerne.
5:: More time spent with family, including my lovely sister.
6:: We also got to be at/in the wedding of some great friends, and had an awesome time.
Hope you're all having a lovely day!