The Mr. and I have sort of been on a long-term hunt for the perfect sofa. When we bought our current one, we were newly married, on a tight budget, had the smallest imaginable apartment, and I will admit that I've never loved it. Since then, we've seen a few that we liked here and there, but then not long ago, we found THE sofa. A bright light poured down from heaven and angels sang. (That might sound like a lot of drama for a sofa, but I really dislike ours.) And now of course, I've started picking out all new pieces to go with this sofa that we will make ours. A few of the recent things we've bought have been purchased with this sofa in mind, and I'm really excited to start finally putting together a living room that is more "us".
I'm really trying to learn how to mix finishes, patterns and textures to put together a room that complements our style... something comfortable but simple, and rustic but modern. And I love bold and eye-catching pieces, like the striped curtains. These are some of my favorite things right now, and I'm excited to see how the room keeps coming together.

(sofa|curtains|coffee table|lamp|pillows|candles|chair|tray|side table)