So I said last week that life might be getting pretty eventful soon, but I didn't know just how right I was, or how quickly things were about to change for us. Maurice and I have talked about moving back to Texas for a while, and he got a job offer in Austin a month or so ago, but it wasn't the right opportunity, so we decided to stick around Colorado a little longer. But then last week, not one but two job offers came in from San Antonio, and one was an opportunity that we just couldn't pass up. Sooo.....

We're moving back to Texas! This past week has just been a blur of telling family, apartment/house hunting, and moving arrangements, but we are just thrilled to be moving back to what is truly home for us, and to be close to our family and dearest friends again. It's definitely a bittersweet feeling, we truly love Colorado and are so grateful for the few years that we've spent here. I'm sure I'll shed a few tears as we pack up and drive away, but I am a Texas girl through and through, and I can't tell you how excited I am to be going home. So now we have 3 weeks to get everything in place, and get to San Antonio! It will be great.
By the way, can I also just say, I hate moving... I literally despise it. I just wanted to get that off my chest.
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